6 Black-Owned Wellness Apps To Help Keep Anxious Thoughts At Bay

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There are more than a few good reasons to start incorporating meditation into our daily routines.

It can provide us with tools to keep us in the present moment, decrease negative thought patterns, and even help to manage stress and anxiety. Still, finding the right apps and digital spaces that speak to the direct experiences of the Black community can feel like a challenge. 

The good news is, over the last few years, conversations around mental health within the Black community have taken on a new form. With talks of therapy, unlearning trauma, and self-care becoming more normalized than ever before, finding the right support for our shared cultural experiences has felt more in reach, especially during uncertain times. 

Studies have shown that since the pandemic, 48 percent of Black adults were more likely to report symptoms of anxiety and/or depressive disorder than Non-Hispanic White adults (41%). As new resources to improve our mental and emotional well-being grow in their accessibility for all, we can now download the benefits of mindful practices and remedies from the therapy couch to the comfort of our phones. 

With that in mind, we’ve put together a collection of Black and POC-owned wellness apps to keep you calm and collected, no matter what life tries to throw at you. 


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