Crucial Budgeting Tips To Help Get Your Finances Back On Track Starting Today

With continued reports of a looming recession on the horizon, there’s no time like the present to assess your financial health and even make a few adjustments where necessary.

During the 2022 ESSENCE Festival of Culture, Certified Financial Educator Christian Lovell sat down with Comedic Actress and Social Media Influencer Lala Milan on the Wealth & Power stage to talk about all things budgeting with a little help from our partners at AT&T. In between sharing a few relatable personal lessons learned from years of bad spending habits and poor financial decision-making, the ladies took the audience through Christian’s 4-step system designed to help you reach financial wellness.

Scroll through below to see 5 things we learned from their conversation and then watch the video above to hear their discussion full, including a complete breakdown of Christian’s 4-step system. For more of everything you missed at the 2022 ESSENCE Festival of Culture, visit our official video content hub HERE.


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