8 Tips on How to Be Fashionable in Hot Weather

Source: fashionisers.com

Everyone wants to look the best, regardless of the occasion and whether it’s some classy dinner or going to the movies. Now, fashion trends can be of great help here, but sometimes following the latest ones can also be time-consuming and costly. On the other hand, there are certain things we can all do and the type of clothing we can wear and still look astonishing. So, let’s check some of the top things you can do this summer and look fashionable, but for those who don’t want to waste any time, all the essential info you can find here.

1. Pick the right material

Source: sewguide.com

Among all other things, going with the right clothing is of vast importance here. Just like during the cold winter months, you want to wear layers of warm clothing, during summer, you want to go with a material that is cozy and light because it’s already hot, and you want to wear as little as possible yet still be fashionable. Now, linen and cotton are the two best materials for that because they also provide great comfort.  On the other hand, going with materials like polyester is never a good idea, especially for summer. Yes, sometimes the clothing might seem like it’s made out of good summer materials but still contains polyester, so to avoid any discomfort, make sure to double-check what the fine printing says, as it is the only way to pick the type of clothing and material that you want.

2. The color means a lot too

The fabric of the dress means much, but the color is yet another significant factor you should include in your decision-making.  Everyone knows that black is never the best pick for summer, even though it might go with everything and seem great. Simply put, black attracts more sunlight, which means that you will feel much hotter. On the other hand, when you take a closer look at other options, there aren’t really many reasons why one should opt for dark colors. Namely, pink, orange, yellow, and red are the best possible choice among white. Besides all that, these colors simply scream pleasant weather, and one will also attract more attention when they wear light and bright colors as they otherwise would. Overall, bright colors are fashionable, look great, and what’s also important, they will make you look amazing.

3. Wearing jewelry is a no-no

Source: stoneandstrand.com

Everyone likes or prefers wearing at least one type of jewelry, regardless of whether that’s a bracelet, necklace, or something else. Now, wearing jewelry during summer is simply out of trend, and a much better look is to go with just one piece of jewelry if that’s something you really want and need. Overall, the so-called “plain look” is always a much better and more fashionable option for the summer. So, make sure not to wear way too many pieces of jewelry, and you will be golden.

4. Do not choose too tight clothes

We all agree that tight clothes look amazing, especially during the summer, but it is more than certain that they will warm us up even more. After some time, we will start sweating, which does not look nice at all, and regret the moment we decided to put on something that tight. Instead of that, it is much better to choose comfy clothes made of natural materials that allow our skin to breathe, and we will feel much better, which means we will look much better too.

5. Choose the straw hat

Source: connerhats.com

Wearing hats is always popular and can add a lot of style to our look, but it is not enough to simply go to the store and choose the one we like. Different hats should be worn in different situations, and if you are a fan of wearing them, it is necessary to learn when to wear which of them. To make the long story short, the best solution for hot days, which can protect us from the sun and make us look fashionable, is the straw hat, which is not too expensive but always looks amazing.

6. Think about the underwear

We all agree that wearing silk underwear or a pushup bra makes us much more confident, and we feel much better because of that, but is it the right choice for the hot summer days? Well, in most cases, the answer is no, and the best underwear we can wear is the one made of cotton. Cotton is one of the best materials that allow our skin to breathe, it is highly absorbable, and we do not need to worry about sweating or burning feelings, as can be the case with other materials. Pushup bras should also be avoided as their stuffing will surely warm us up, so it is better to choose some lighter ones.

7. Make the right hairstyle

Source: allthingshair.com

Long and healthy hair is something most women dream about, and they will do everything they can to keep it that way. Of course, wearing loose hair is something that each of them wants, and that looks amazing on every occasion, but when it comes to summer days, it is much better to choose a different hairstyle. Loose hair will only warm us up even more and make us feel uncomfortable because of that. There are many amazing hairstyles that can be made in a few minutes, and even if you do not have enough time, it is better to make a ponytail than go out with loose hair.

8. A small purse is enough

Wearing a big, spacious bag has a lot of benefits, as we can put everything we need inside and be prepared for every situation. But, it can be really impractical to carry it around during the hot weather, and since we do not need to carry so many things with us, choosing a smaller purse is a much better solution. It fits much better with light clothes, and what is more important, we can enjoy our day out without worrying about the big heavy bag.

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