The 5 Biggest Problems With America’s Healthcare

She’s not the only one. According to Tia, the modern medical home from women, an astounding number of women are underserved by the healthcare system. According to survey of 1,000 women commissioned by the organization, 63% of respondents have been seen by a doctor who wasn’t listening to their concerns, and 59% have put off seeing a doctor until their symptoms were urgent. What these astounding (albeit, remarkably unsurprising) stats do is shed light on just how broken the current system is. This, compounded by the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the landmark piece of legislation that made access to a safe abortion a Constitutional right — the reversal of which has dealt a huge, detrimental blow to women’s healthcare — and the need to fix or outright overhaul the system has never felt more dire. 

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