Industry: Digital Marketing
Age: 25
Location: Jersey City, NJ
Salary: $82,500
Net Worth: -$115,540.67 (checking account: $1,400, 401(k): $2,000, minus student loans: $111,340.67, car loan: $5,600, and credit card debt: $2,000)
Debt: $118,940.67
Paycheck Amount (2x/month): $2,333
Pronouns: She/her
Monthly Expenses
Rent: $1,890 (This includes rent, parking spot, cat fee, and sewage/water. I rent an apartment alone.)
Car Loan: $309
Student Loans: $275 (only paying private loans until federal loans kick back in)
Electricity: $65
Car Insurance: $122
Health Insurance: $0 (my premium is fully covered by my job)
Internet: $90
Phone: $35 (I just switched to the new iPhone so I pay the monthly installment, and my job covers my plan of $70)
Amazon Prime: $15
iCloud Storage/Pet Camera Monitoring/Apple Music: $16
Netflix/HBO: $27 (I split HBO with my mom and my family uses my Netflix password)