A Fashion Editor’s Travel Guide to Waikiki on Oahu

Growing up, I was lucky enough to travel to Hawaii nearly every summer. I like to joke that the tradition was basically my dad’s surf trip masquerading as a family vacation, but how can I possibly complain? We always went to Maui, so I know that island inside and out, but I never got to explore other islands until this year. So when I got a press trip offer to visit Waikiki, you can bet I jumped at the chance. It was the perfect opportunity to experience Hawaii as a solo adult traveler for the first time and not as a kid tagging along on family excursions. 

The only downside to my trip to Oahu? The fact that I missed Prince Harry, who was also visiting Honolulu the very same month. Here’s hoping we can coordinate our trips next time. Scroll down to read my fashion editor’s guide to Waikiki. 

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