Industry: Healthcare
Age: 37
Location: Western Colorado
Salary: $77,000
Net Worth: ~$209,000 ($22,582 in a HYSA, $6,735 in joint checking account, $7,500 in a brokerage account, $56,573 in Roth IRA, $60,543 in 401(k), ~$416,000 house value, minus debt. My sister, B., and I live together and co-own our house, so I count only half of the house in my net worth. We keep our finances separate aside from the joint checking account we use to pay bills, but we split most expenses 50/50.)
Debt: $289,340 on the mortgage ($144,670 my half) and $7,898 on my car
Paycheck Amount (weekly): $895, after 17% 401(k) contribution
Pronouns: She/her
Monthly Expenses
Mortgage: $765, which is my half of the $1,530 mortgage payment. (I share the house with my sister, B., and our six cats. B. and I both knew early in adulthood that we didn’t want spouses or kids, so it only made sense for us to go dual-income together. It’s unconventional, but it works for us. B. makes ~$65,000.)
Car Payment: $175
Utilities (Electric, Gas, Water, Trash): $195
Internet: $32.50
Car Insurance: $93
Health Insurance: $283
House Cleaning Service: $160 (every other week)
Cell Phone: $66 ($34 for Mint Mobile and $32 for the phone itself; I’m still paying it off interest-free with my Apple card)
Career Coach: $75
Netflix, Disney Plus, Kindle Unlimited, DoorDash Dashpass: $33
Pest Control: $29 (my half of $58)
MMORPG Gaming Subscription: $13
Donations: $300
401(k): $1,006, deducted from my paychecks pre-tax