Navy Officer in Coastal Virginia — Money Diary

Occupation: Navy Officer
Industry: US Military
Age: 31
Location: Coastal Virginia
My Salary: $88,000 (Both my husband and I receive housing allowances for being in the military which are enveloped into our salaries. Health and life insurance for myself and my family is completely free for me.)
My Husband’s Salary: $60,000
Net Worth: -$36,500 (HYSA: $23,000, TSP: $9,000, home value: $440,000 ($220,000 my half), shared investments: $44,000 ($22,000 my half), shared antique vehicle that is really our rainy day fund: $65,000 ($32,500 my half) minus debt. My husband and I have completely separate accounts except for the shared investment fund account. We split our monthly expenses pretty evenly, I pay a little more due to my salary being higher.)
Debt: Student loans: ~$188,000, mortgage: $310,000 ($155,000 my half; we co-own the home but used my VA loan eligibility benefit.)
Paycheck Amount (2x/month): $3,700
Pronouns: She/her

Monthly Expenses
Mortgage: $1,800 for a three-bedroom, two-bathroom home
Student Loans: $250 (but they have been on pause for almost two years now)
Car Lease: $370
Daycare: $1,300 (husband pays me $500 each month for this)
Phone Bill: $144
Internet: Husband pays ($80)
Electricity: ~=$180-$300
Water/Sewage/Trash: Husband pays ($70)
Streaming Services: Husband pays ($60)
IPSY: $14
Car Insurance: Husband pays ($214)
Home Insurance: Husband pays ($35)
Savings/Investments: $250-$500
HelloFresh: $65/week

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