Operation HOPE, Shopify & GoodCarts Join Forces to Amplify One Million E-Commerce Arena Black Businesses

Everyone is shopping online nowadays, but not every e-commerce is reaping the benefits.

Despite significant resource gaps, Black business ownership has grown significantly in the last few years, with more than two million US companies being owned by people that identify as African American. A large portion are completely online-based, but have yet to be able to leverage untapped consumer bases due to lack of cash reserves for targeted marketing and upscaling operations.

Fortunately, Minneapolis-based company GoodCarts, in parternship with 1 Million Black Businesses (1MBB), Operation HOPE and Shopify, are working to introduce a crop of customers to Black online brands.

“With 1MBB, together we will boost Black-owned e-commerce brands with one-of-a-kind cross-promotional technology from GoodCarts and our Shopify app,” said Steven Clift, CEO of GoodCarts in a news release. “Through this partnership, we are committed to growing our Black-owned Businesses circle with at least 1,000 Black entrepreneurs and businesses by 2024, promoting 1MBB training and mentorship with GoodCarts members and collaborating on future opportunities to grow purpose and social impact via e-commerce.”

The organizations have reportedly teamed up to provide Black online business owners free online marketing to amplify visibility.

“1MBB is excited to help Black-owned brands grow together. Our new Black-owned Business circle on GoodCarts extends our abilities to offer community, resources and support for Black entrepreneurs to take their brands to market,” said Lance Triggs, Executive Vice President of Program Operations, Operation HOPE in a news release. “It’s a win-win in our collective fight for economic opportunity.”

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