The Smartwater Wellness Check In with Fitness Coach Shy Lovell


When it comes to health and wellness, it is an intentional process we all have to put effort into. While the Instagram fitness gurus may make it look easy, living a healthy life is a day-by-day decision one chooses to commit to. 

Many of us get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives, we sometimes forget healthy living is in fact a decision, and those minor day-by-day choices can make or break getting you to your dream healthy lifestyle. 

As we continue our Essence & Smartwater Live Well Challenge our VP of Video & Branded Content, NöNe Dunivan sat down with Fitness Coach, Shy Lovell for a Instagram Live wellness check. They dig deeper on the small changes we can all make to lead us in the direction to a healthier life.

Here are 5 takeaways you can implement into your fitness journey today! 

1.) Nutrition 
Healthy living starts from within, so before you even create a workout routine you want to take a moment and analyze your daily food choices. The foods you choose to consume play a major part in your overall fitness aside from just weight and you want to be intentional with your choices. Cutting back on calories, fast-food and overeating are immediate goals one should consider. 

2.) Creating SMART Goals
On your fitness journey you want to be realistic with the small goals you have for yourself. Day to day and week by week, you want to set obtainable goals you can easily strive for. Accomplishing these small goals will encourage you to continue on and then you can start creating more ambitious ones.

3.) Procrastination 
Just get started! 

It’s one thing to talk about working out, and it’s another thing to actually get up and do it. We all know it’s not easy to commit to a fitness journey but the first step is just getting started. Write out a plan you can commit to and stop talking yourself out of your dream life. 

4.) Invest in a Fitness Coach 
Coaches are always a great investment because you now get a chance to learn directly from a professional. If you’re struggling on your fitness journey it may be good to seek out an accountability partner who can not only assist with keeping you on track but their line of expertise can assist you to get to your goals more efficiently. 

5.) Don’t Compare your Fitness Journey 
Your fitness journey is yours and yours alone. Don’t get distracted by comparing yourselves to others. Give yourself grace through your journey. You are your only competition. 

The Smartwater Wellness Check In with Fitness Coach Shy Lovell

CLICK HERE to listen to the full conversation and head over to to join us on our Essence & Smartwater Live Well Challenge.

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