WATCH | Running Your Household and Managing it All 


Let’s face it, running a household is not an easy task. From work, school, and various conflicting schedules, to run and operate a successful household takes great discipline. For most it becomes trial and error in simply understanding your own family dynamics and what works for you.

The Bonnaire’s however, wouldn’t have it any other way as these parents of 4 children and 3 dogs, have learned to create a healthy schedule they can commit to. 

“We’re very routine oriented, all of us, the kids thrive in that atmosphere. We wake up, go to school and go to bed at the same time everyday.” Aseky Bonnaire shared. 

While the Bonnaires have created a routine with their children they’ve done just the same for their fur-babies Miko, Myla and Millie who with the help of the ‘Buddies’ app have their own schedule and routine to commit to. 

The ‘Buddies’ app helps busy everyday pet owners find balance while creating a healthy lifestyle for their pets. 

To learn more about the ‘Buddies’ app community head over to

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