Your Horoscope This Week: December 4th To 10th, 2022

The week ahead is going to rattle our hearts and minds thanks to the intense non-mutable energy that’s causing everyone stress.

Mercury in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Pisces square off on the 6th, expanding our intellectual pursuits and philosophies. Not only that, the sun in Sagittarius opposes Mars retrograde in Gemini, making us extremely defensive and argumentative.

Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on December 4th and Jupiter on December 9th, confusing what we want from relationships and conjuring passion instead of security.

However, it’s not all chaotic. The full moon in Gemini on December 7th allows us to explore our interests and paths in life. And Mercury and Venus glide into Capricorn on December 6th and 9th, adding directness to communication and stability to romantic matters.

Aries Sun & Aries Rising

As your planetary ruler, Mars, continues to glide backwards, you should try cracking  open the old textbooks and quoting your favorite thinkers, philosophers, historians, artists, and wordsmiths to prove your brain power exceeds those around you.

Show the world that you possess great depths (since they rarely see your intellectual side) and use your wits to your advantage. Give people the chance to witness your intelligence and sassiness. This mentality will inspire you to be bold with your words in order to leave an impression on those who don’t acknowledge or know how fabulous you are. They’ll be shocked by your knowledge and studies — allowing your intellectual appeal to motivate them towards evolving their minds to keep up with you.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising

Gossip amongst your peers is causing paranoia to develop in most of your closest relationships.

Questioning who you can trust amongst your friends may lead you to see that you cannot always give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Some friendships may begin to dissolve as a result.

Standing up for yourself will give you a bit more confidence to end relationships that aren’t working as your personal boundaries are going to be pushed by those who don’t understand their actions and want you to immediately accept her apology.

Healing from relationships takes time so if they can allow you to mend your heart, then it is best to put these people on ice until they begin to understand the heavy consequences of their actions.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising

Although you are known to lean into logic and reason more than any other sentiment, your intuition is on fire this week and leading you to understand matters on a deeper level. Not only that, but a single hunch can lead you towards uncovering truths that have been repressed and undiscovered — that is, until now.

Put on your best detective hat and embrace your inner Sherlock Holmes. There will be no rock unturned or un-researched — nor will you get any rest — until you are able to prove that your gut feelings have substance and that you’re able to back it up with facts. Then, you can use both skill sets in understanding situations, relationships, and people in a better way.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising

Since you’ve been internalizing emotions and experiences recently, this week gives you the opportunity to finally express how you feel. While you tend to share your feelings with those who you feel safe with, your state right now is giving you courage to begin to peel back the onion and let others in. Sharing your feelings may leave you feeling exposed and pushed hard out of your shell, but you’ll be stronger for having done so.

This will encourage you to work through your old trauma, emotional baggage, and past heartbreak. Rather than staying stuck in your shell, it’s important to reach out for help if needed or a willful ear to listen. Call your friends for support, TLC, or some guidance. Learning to openly talk about your issues is important to heal your heart. ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Leo Sun & Leo Rising

They say all the world is a stage (something you understand very much) and the people in life are merely the players. Shakespeare must’ve really understood astrology and life.

This week, you may feel as though you’re putting on an act to appease everyone in your life. Rather than getting courage and letting people know that you were going through a rollercoaster of emotions, you’re putting on a happy face and acting as though nothing is wrong.

If you adhere to this facade all week, you’ll end up feeling guilty and embarrassed that you hid your true face from those in your inner circle who care about you. They would love to help you overcome the problems that you are going through.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising

It’s time to get real about relationships and step up your commitments, Virgo.

There are two people with whom you created a love triangle with over the past few months. Now, the time has come for you to choose which one you want to continue the affair with and who you do not.

Instead of using your logical mind to make a decision, which would see you make a list noting all their attributes and flaws, listen to what your heart is telling you. It will be scary listening to your emotions and passions — but most of the time this is the only thing to do when it comes to matters of the heart. Remember that in love there is no logical explanation or reason.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Libra Sun & Libra Rising

Lately, you’ve been feeling as though your scales are more than just a little off-balance, due to the relationship issues that you are currently dealing with at the moment.

You are passive aggressively arguing with others in a conscious effort to manipulate a situation in your favor. The problem with your plan of action is that it’s only causing more friction to exist in your partnership and not resolving anything that needs fixing.

The only way to mend matters is to be completely honest about your feelings. Then, you’ll both be able to make proper decisions based on your innermost sentiments.

And, if you decide to break up — it will be a mutual decision. Not having to be inside the drama will be refreshing. ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising

The cosmic forces in the week ahead may cause insecurities to surface, as Mars retrograde causes your finances and self-esteem to take a minor hit.

You may seek refuge in the simple pleasures of life and lean on close friends that can help you get through this stressful time. As long as you stay focused on bettering yourself and trying to fix the situations you’re dealing with, then you’ll be able to eventually see through the dark cloud that’s been surrounding you.

Nourish your heart, mind, and spirit with positive thoughts and energy to ensure that you’re bringing good things into your life at the moment. In true Scorpio fashion, you’ll emerge stronger than ever. You’ll find success soon enough, so don’t get easily discouraged.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising

You may find yourself wondering about an ex who you haven’t spoken to you in a long time this week. Before you message them, think about the repercussions that could unfold if you decide to have a conversation at this moment. Odds are that you both will pick up where you left off and that could lead to a very traumatic fight.

The issue is that you both haven’t received the proper closure from each other, which will lead to a back and forth debate about who is responsible for the demise of the relationship. Being that you simply wanted to check in with them, this drama is going to be too much for you to handle right now. Basically, the juice isn’t worth the squeeze.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising

Speaking in a public forum to the masses will benefit your dedication to growth as well as your career. When Mercury and Venus align with your sun this week, your servitude will be revered by others. People will flock to your side in an effort to get your opinion on matters.

The only advice is that you should keep certain aspects of your life private — not everything is up for public discussion. The week ahead is an optimistic time for you that is full of possibilities. Your dedication to growth has totally paid off. The dark night of the soul is over — freeing both your heart and mind to seek out new experiences.

Sharing parts of your life story with others will lead to infamy.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising

Stay focused on positive thinking in order to add optimism to the week ahead. Although you may have a lot of intense emotions brewing underneath the surface, it’s best for you to align yourself with pep talks that make you feel good about yourself. With Mercury and Venus highlighting your 12th house of secrets and personal matters, you may feel bluer than normal or unable to control your emotions (a vibe that can come to fruition when Pluto syncs up with these planets in the next few weeks).

The lesson to be learned here it is that you have to take time out of your daily schedule and give yourself a lot of self-care. Whether that be massage, therapy, or cleansing is up to you.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising

Known for your artistic talents and inclinations, you’ve finally found your calling in the world through your creative side. Your fan base on social media is growing and your work is in more demand than ever. Relish this moment, as it’s taken a long journey to get here.

Before you get too excited with your recent success, it’s important for you to take more creative control over your career. Open yourself up to new opportunities and possibilities at this moment. Also, don’t let internet fame get to your head. You should always approach situations and life with a humble disposition to ensure that things don’t fall apart because of your arrogance or cockiness.

Always work harder than you have before to crush the next goal. ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

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